Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ray Charles - poster child for Puppymills


Ray Charles was rescued from a terrible puppymill a week ago by another rescue. They were over loaded and asked us to come get the Pekes. This old man was a matted mess. He looked more like a lion than a dog. His eyes didn't receive medical care and it appears he is almost blind. He is about 15 pounds, very compact and pure muscle.


Ray Charles is the poster child for Puppymill dogs. I got him home on Saturday night and took him out of the transport cage and just knew there was something bad wrong with him. He was limp and walking like he has Parkinson's disease. I gave him some Dyne and honey in case his sugar was low and he seemed to come back a bit. He laid down to go to sleep and never got up except once to poop pure blood. We rushed him to the Vet and he was beyond saving. Bleeding internally , bad prostate and barely any brain function except to breath and beat his heart from many strokes. And he was only 8 years old.

1 comment:

  1. Frank Sinatra called him "The only genius in our business" and that obviously wasn't a kind of exaggeration.

    Here I've tried to collect all notable tributes paid to Ray Charles by peers: http://www.tributespaid.com/quotes-on/r/ray-charles
