These are 25 of Williams teeth. William is a 9 year old Maltese that was pulled from a puppymill. According to our State Vet , this is only merely a bit uncomfortable for the dog.
Stickney’s Toy Breed and Rescue and Retirement specializes in rehabilitating abused, neglected, and emaciated dogs under 25 pounds. Most of the dogs we receive come from Puppy Mills all over the United States. When we receive the dogs, our objective is to get the dogs cleaned, vaccinated, spayed, neutered, and eventually adopted out to good homes. These animals come to us with a history of abuse by humans and are in definite need of lots of tender, loving care.
We need food for the dogs, money for the vets, people who bathe the dogs because they smell so bad, and of course good souls who are willing to adopt these beautiful but often mal-adjusted critters. These dogs are all in very bad shape because of severe neglect. They are not easily adoptable because they have so many health issues due to the abuse in the puppy mills.
We would like to use your donation to support our mission. These funds would allow us to buy high quality dog food and funding towards our vet bills.
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